Guide to Club racing
We're in one of those fortunate places that is possible to have year round sailing. We take advantage of that and race almost every Sunday unless the weather is really bad.
If you look at our calendar, linked on the other side of this page, you will see that we have four race series covering each season of the year. A series has 8 races scheduled. Between series we have what we call "Ad-hoc" races, which simply means that they are one offs without any series scoring.
Our race procedure is simple: We have a pre-race Skipper's and Crew meeting (usually on Sunday morning at 10:15 at the Gibsons Marina) and pick a course that everyone follows. Sometimes we all start at the same time and sometimes we have pursuit races where the slower boats start first. Boats report their GPS finishing time by radio and the Race Committee later determines the results after calculating the adjusted time for each boat using its PHRF rating, or, if it is a pursuit race, the finish order is the race result. The details of all this are to be found in our Official Notice Board and its links on the opposite page.
​​If you are new to racing, or need to brush-up, check out this excellent pdf document "The Basic Sailboat Racing Rules All Racers Should Know".
Club Race Results
Click here to go to our Club Races Results page.
Official Notice Board
Click on the item below as needed
Fleet List and race scoresheet
Notice of Race ("NOR"): For regular club races the NOR is an email sent out by the Fleet Captain, usually on Saturday am for Sunday races.
Sailing Instructions ("SI"s)
These apply to regular Club races. Specific SI's are available for the regatta.
Pre-planned Courses: Courses are announced at the pre-race Skipper's Meeting and usually selected from our list of pre-planned courses.
Pursuit race Start Times Matrix.
The system for pursuit races is described in our August 2021 newsletter.