Sailing news and entertainment
To keep your racing sailing thinking up to speed, check out these links
First, the F50 foiling cats international series.
Then...subscribe to World Sailing Show and watch the monthly shows on racing sailing around the world. Many regattas are now cancelled. .
Another good link is to the 49'er Worlds. Watch the starts particularly, those of you keen on racing tactics. See how the fleet splits tacks, think about what tack the splits are on and watch what happens when they converge again.
Sailing & Boating Magazines
Sail Magazine - https://www.sailmagazine.com/racing
Scuttlebut News - https://www.sailingscuttlebutt.com
48 North Magazine - https://48north.com
Yachting World - https://
Sailing for Kids
Thanks to Amelia in Seattle for this link
Local Interest
Gibsons Yacht Club Boat Program - the GYC has two boats which sail with us and which are used for training and which qualified members can take out themselves. This is an excellent program - check it out http://www.gibsonsyachtclub.com/club-boat.html
Gibsons Marina gibsons marina gibsons bc Tel 604-886-8686
Gibsons Landing Harbour Authority has moorage available for visiting boats - Manager Chris Lougheed. Tel 604-886-9017
The Bitter End Boaters Exchange - new & used marine supplies
The Racing Rules of Sailing
The rules from World Sailing
An interesting, but busy, graphic illustrating the rules