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Welcome to the Sunshine Coast Yacht Club, a sailboat racing club operating from Gibsons on the beautiful Sunshine Coast of B.C.


Our purpose is to facilitate regular races, and special events for sailors of all levels of expertise.

While we sail in a spirit of friendly competition, our number one objective is for skippers and crew to enjoy being out there!


Membership is affordable - see the Membership page.


Come and try us out - on race days, usually Sunday.  Races start at 11:30am.

Before races we have a Skipper's and Crew meeting at 10:15am on shore in front of the Marina office and after races many people gather at the Gibsons Market for a natter and a drink afterwards.

Sunday races

Our regular Sunday races are the core of the Club's activity. We race year round with a regular fleet of around 10 boats of all types and sizes.  Our July regatta usually has a fleet of about 20 boats.


The main objective is to get as many sailors as we can out on the water and have fun while still having competitive racing.  And while keeping it affordable. 


If you are a new comer to yacht racing we try to keep things simple and unintimidating - for example, we have often have pursuit starts which are easier for single handers and less experienced racers since there are fewer boats on the start line at once.


If you just want to crew see the Membership and Crewing page. A simple way to get started is to come down to the Skipper's Meeting at 10:15 on race days and we'll try to find you a ride to get started.


If you are an experienced racer you will find good competition and interesting and scenic courses to sail.



SCYC 2025 calendar (Jan02/25 draft)- click here to view


Membership poll

On Nov 27 the results of the membership poll were announced:


The following are the results of the survey taken last week to determine the level of interest in forming a committee to investigate pros and cons of an amalgamation of the Sunshine Coast Yacht Club (SCYC) with Gibsons Yacht Club (GYC). No information was collected on the identities or choices of the respondents.

A total of 25 eligible members responded to the survey out of a total of 35 (12 Associate Members and 23 Full Members).  Sixty percent of the responses were in favour of forming a committee and 40 percent were not in favour. Accordingly, the executive is now working on establishing a committee and preparing terms of reference for the committee members. Updates on this initiative will be issued as progress is made.

The executive thanks those members who responded in the survey.


Graham Gee

Commodore "


Just announced (Jan 2025)- a Pub Meeting and Seminar on the updates to the Racing Rules of Sailing to be held on Weds Mar 12th, 7pm at the Blackfish.


The AGM was held on April 7th , (here are the MInutes of the Meeting, and the Notice of Meeting if you want to read them). 

A presentation prepared by Mark Evans preceeded the AGM entitled  "Introduction to Sailboat Racing and the SCYC" with over 20 attendees and a lively discussion.


Ten Commandments of Beercan racing - it seems like we're doing a lot of this - check it out.

Our 2024 Regatta took place on Saturday, July 20th and Sunday, July 21st with a fleet of 15 boats and hot sunny weather and enough wind to keep everyone moving except in a few spots.

This was our 6th regatta after reviving the event in 2019.


Overall winners were:

1st Too Wicked, M242

2nd Blackadder, M242

3rd Shadowfax, M242

​Detailed results can be found on the Regatta page.

A local photographer, Doris Ferrarese was on hand for the event. You can see the photographs on her website


Awards photo: Crew of Too Wicked, Adrienne Mennell, Michael Clements,Erica Crilly, Luzzara Mazariegos, with (left) Race Director, David Guy, and Commodore, Graham Gee.

1st place award.jpg

Post race photo: Enjoying the beer at Tapworks, Cliff, Vatche, Kim, Ian

Post race Cliff,Vatche,Kim,Ian.JPG

Current Sunday Racing highlights

How many yacht clubs in Canada race all year?  We do; starting off with nine boats turning out for our New Year's Day ​race and followed up by regular Sunday ad-hoc races until the start of our Winter 2025 series on Jan 26th.

Go to the Club Racing page to see the results.





New Beercan Cup

Thanks to Peter Heiberg for his initiative and creativity in coming up with a new cup to be awarded to the winner of the Wednesday evening races this past summer. As you can see from the photo this is not just another run of the mill silver cup! 

Well done to first winner, Fast Lane (represented by David, Richard and Mike, in the photo below).

Henceforth the cup will be passed on to the next race series winner.







Alatus Victorious Again At Southern Straits, 2024:  Congratulations to Vatche and crew on Alatus (Ignacio, Richard, Huei Jen, and Cliff)  for their awesome performance in the Southern Straits race last weekend.  First place again in their division, defending their 2023 win and 7th place overall!​​​​​​​


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